Automated remittance of dissemination moves

accounting alone application 938965

Remittance of trade union deductions, debt collection deductions and contribution deductions is a process that is repeated every single month, and with several SAP customers, this is still a manual process. If your business handles moves to many different unions and debt collection companies, this can be a relatively time-consuming, monthly activity.

Fortunately, this is a process that can be made more efficient relatively easily, and that too within SAP default configuration!
The standard solution allows for the transfer of drafts to the various payees on file to the bank, in the same way as when transferring payroll to employees.

The solution also entails the possibility of registering a fixed KID number belonging to the various payees. The trade union deductions are transferred in a total amount per payee and the KID number is registered at the payee level. Debt collection and withholding tax are transferred to the recipients with deduction amounts per employee and kid number is therefore registered in connection with the actual deduction transaction registered on the employee in the communication deduction info type.

A prerequisite for the solution is that the payment files are created in payroll and that SAP standard payment program is used. The solution does not include remittance of overdraft fees.

Contact Marita Johansen for more information