an HR system that supports
the entire employee journey?


An automated payroll system that simplifies and improves the payroll process?


A really good support organisation that knows HR, SAP and SuccessFactors?


to free up time by
outsource payroll ?


HR -advice that takes you
one step further?


to talk to us?


These have already chosen Sariba

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Effortless Time Management for the modern workplaces

By Nuria Pascual In today's Norwegian work environment, effective time management for the modern workplaces [...]

Why it's smart to jump on the generative AI train (for HR) now?

Everyone talks about generative AI. But what exactly is it and how does it work? And [...]

Sariba named a Gazelle company - for the 6th time!

We are both proud and excited to share the news that Sariba has [...]

Do you have the right learning platform?

Time to put learning in focus? When you hear the word "learning", what do you think [...]

Timer registration

Did you know that quite a few people google "how to drive hours" - every month? And that the words [...]

Lift and shift - move your onprem solution to the cloud

The payroll solutions of the future are cloud-based, and with this in mind, SAP has developed ECP - Employee [...]

Are your employees wondering how to write a travel expense report?

Give them a great tool that supports and guides them through the whole process! Imagine [...]

Happy summer

The summer holidays are just around the corner, but before we put on our shorts and sandals, and [...]