Are you in control, or do you find it challenging? It's been a few years since the GDPR rules were implemented, and while we assume you're in control, that doesn't necessarily mean you find it easy to manage.

Fortunately, there is good system support for handling this, system support that allows you to be confident that the regulations are both followed and managed at all times.

Everything in HR - from Sariba

We at Sariba want to offer you the full range of HR, and in order to meet your data control needs, we have both developed our own solutions and connected with several good partners. Together, we offer you everything you need to meet your GDPR needs, regardless of whether you work in a large or a slightly smaller company.

Which GDPR products do you need
Download your mini guide here

Known challenges related to GDPR and HR

In short, the Data Protection Act means that you must have control over the amount of personal data collected, and the extent of this. You must also have control over how long the documents have been stored and how long you are allowed to store them. Finally, you must also have control over who has access to the various documents at any given time.

How does GDPR actually affect HR?

The GDPR regulations come with a number of comprehensive rules about what is legal - and what is not. This affects how HR can work with data:

  • Requirements relating to the basis for processing/ legal basis
  • Data minimization principle – what is needed to store?
  • Access restriction – who should be able to see what?
  • Deletion requirements - can you keep everything?
  • Obligation to inform/provide access

In addition, the regulations include a number of documentation requirements:

  • You must be able to show that you are complying with the law
  • You need to describe what is being done and why it is done
  • You must develop principles and policies
  • You must ensure that you have data processing agreements and agreements on the transfer of information abroad

Finally, GDPR comes with requirements for confidentiality, integrity and accuracy.


GDPR may seem large and comprehensive, but it is not insurmountable. Our recommendation when it comes to GDPR and HR is that you start with the following points:

  • You need to map out what is being done
  • Is there a need for changes?
  • You must both adopt and introduce procedures and rules
  • You must prepare documentation
  • Merge all the processes, such as in a privacy manual

So simple - so comprehensive.


To get full control of your HR data, we offer you the following:

  • Reports - gives you control over the amount of personal data collected
  • Erasers - Allows you to easily delete the data you can and should no longer keep
  • A digital staff archive - giving you peace of mind that data is stored securely
  • Authorization program - gives you peace of mind that only those who need to see the data can see the data
  • Logging of processed data - gives you an overview of the scope of the processed data

Let us help you map your GDPR needs, and together we find out which solution is the very best for you and your company.