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Do you have control over HR reporting?

Being able to extract HR reports in real time, based on up-to-date data, from across the HR system will provide an overview of how your company's most important capital is doing: the people. But pulling correct and up-to-date reports, across disciplines, is perceived, for many, as a challenge. Because even if you have both a good HR solution that supports all your HR processes, and a payroll process that works properly, reporting may not necessarily be perceived as simple.

The good news is that there are several great solutions to help you with just that: correct reports, on up-to-date data, when you need it.

Known challenges related to HR reporting


Data are available, but in different locations in the HR solution, or in different HR systems


You know what to report on, but not how to proceed


To combine payroll and HR data, programming might be needed

Everything in HR - from Sariba

We at Sariba want to offer you the full range of HR, and to do this in the most optimal way, we have connected with several different partners. This is how we offer you exactly what you need for extracting the essential HR reports, based on up-to-date data, just when you need it.

With this as a backdrop, we offer those with an extended reporting need, several different ad-on tools for effective reporting. This is in addition to the very good reports that already exist in SAP HR and SAP SuccessFactors. The solutions allow you to tailor your company's reports, making it easy for you to report at the level of detail you need.

Select a reporting solution which provides you with complete control

In the field of HR reporting, we have three very good partners;

These are companies that have both long and deep experience in HR reporting, and that have really great ad-on products for reporting in SAP HR and SAP SuccessFactors .

Let us help you identify your reporting needs, and together we will find out which solution is the very best for you and your company.