Attractive work experiences

Creating an attractive Employee Experience for employees is about activating the organization around a mindset where employees are "customers" as much as employees. It is a strategic choice you make as an organization, and it is not just about HR, although it is a core area at HR. Work experiences are created by the organization as a whole:

  •  The organization's structure and value chain
  • The team and colleagues
  • Line managers and bosses
  • Organizational culture -
  • Processes
  • The social, physical, mental and virtual work environment

We can certainly add things, because work experience is everything that affects the head and heart of the employee and that leads to a perception of "the job". It is really a very individual matter, because not all employees have the same needs, values or preferences.

Work experience
Figures HR services traces

we help you develop a clear strategy and a listening program

Most organizations that are actively working on work experience focus on employee surveys. We at Sariba also believe that surveys are both important and good, but in order for it to lead to a good work experience, a clear listening strategy is required, built around smart technology and integrator with HR systems and processes.

Traditional listening tools, such as employee surveys and heart rate surveys, have clear benefits, but also clear challenges; Employee surveys can quickly be perceived as heavy with very many general topics. It is often not clear enough who is responsible for the action after the investigation. Heart rate surveys are good for checking the temperature, but can quickly become too superficial to provide the value the organization needs to create an attractive workplace.

At Sariba, we want listening to be flexible and hit the nail on the head every time - as an integrated and smart part of HR technology, HR processes and HR services. We will listen to all the same things that are done in an employee survey, but the vision is that it is done naturally at the right place and the right time - and not least, that feedback from employees reaches the person responsible for action. We call this "micro-listening".


we help you put the listening program in the context of your hr strategy

Creating attractive work experiences for employees is not just a "HR thing". For the work experience and employee surveys to create value and be everyone's tool, the listening program must be integrated with HR and the organization's service delivery model, and sit at the heart of the HR strategy. This way, the organization understands what it is, how we achieve it and who owns it.

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do you want to know more?

Learn more about our Listening Tools and Methods