Use of Business Case when choosing HR technology

People working next to each other at a dining table. Choice of HR-Technology.

HR will provide managers and employees with good digital tools. These tools should simplify everyday life and contribute to the development of people in the organization in an engaging way. Achieving this requires investment in digital HR solutions and the choice of HR technology.

Investing in new HR technology can be an extensive and costly process. Many people are therefore reluctant to start. To move from idea to implementation, it can be useful to identify the main consequences of inaction. Why is it important to start now?

Once you have decided to make a change, it is important that you make the right decisions during the process. You can secure this by creating a solid business case.

We at Sariba are committed to providing you with the support and advice you need to make the right decisions wheninvesting in new HR technology. Our colleague Steinar therefore participated in an exciting member meeting at HR Norway. The theme of the meeting was "how to build a solid business case for investments in HR technology".

How to eat an elephant?

The answer is one piece at a time. To best tackle a large and comprehensive topic, without being overwhelmed, it's a good idea to take it step by step. A good way to do this is to prepare a business case. To create a good business case, it is a good idea that, before starting up, you have ready for you the following:

  • Why?
    • Why are we doing this?
    • Why are we doing this now?
  • What?
    • What is the recommended solution?
    • What can we expect from benefits and costs?
    • What kind of challenges are preventing us from doing this?
  • How?
    • How should we prioritize the different possibilities?
    • How should we implement the changes?
    • How can we make sure we get value?
  • Who?
    • Who did this before us?
    • Who has done this successfully?

We are passionate about providing good and correct advice and are committed to ensuring that our clients choose the solutions that meet their needs. That's why we help you prepare a business case that describes your specific needs and challenges. Once this is in place, it will be easier for you to choose the HR technology you need; a technology that simplifies your workday and contributes to the development of people in your organization.

We are happy to help you create the business case you need to identify which HR technologies you should invest in. If you want to know more about this, you are welcome to contact Steinar Sabbasen.