Have you arranged for Corona-related absence in SAP HCM?

Empty office - Corona-related absence in SAP HCM

Empty office - Corona-related absence in SAP HCM

We are all in an unusual situation , a situation that requires a lot of us both privately and at work. The fact that we have had to introduce concepts such as "home school" and " home kindergarten " has meant that working full time can be demanding . Have you arranged for Corona-related absence in SAP HCM?

Many employers have to use layoffs to secure the finances of their company. The vast majority have employees in quarantine at some point.
This is a new,and unknown situation for all of us. To help us through this, the state will introduce several financial arrangements that you as an employer can use. The goal is to help you secure the finances of your company, while taking care of your employees.

For you as an employer, this means that you have to facilitate this, both practically,but also system technically. The new type of absence must both be registered and tracked, so that you can see the full picture.

In order for you to be able to focus on what is important to you, your employees and your company, we help you with the system technology. Should you need new absence codes , new salary types or a setup for following up redundancies , we will of course help you with all corona-related absences in SAP HCM .

Whatever you need, feel free to contact Marita Johansen for more information.