Everything you need in HR

- in a single system

Picture it: You've acquired a brand new HR solution. The solution covers all your HR processes from recruitment, through onboarding, goal and employee development, compensation, succession planning, time and absence registration, travel and expense reimbursement, sick leave follow-up, and even payroll. The solution supports the entire employee journey: from hire to retire. All in one and the same system!

How does it feel? Good, right?

For many, this may seem like a dream scenario, but it is actually possible. The solution we have described above is based on the world-leading, module-based platform SAP SuccessFactors - and it has been adapted for the Nordic market by Sariba.

payroll and HR - all in one

When considering a (new) HR system, we believe it is a good idea to choose a solution that handles both payroll and HR. When you choose one common system for HR and payroll , you no longer need to manage two systems - this way you save both time and money, and at the same time ensure that data quality increases.

why choose hr and lonn all in one
find out more here
has chosen lonn and HR from Sariba
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Do you want to know more? Then you are welcome to contact us

- let's have a digital coffee cup

Got curious? And would you like to know more? About HR or payroll, or why it is a good idea to have this in the same system?

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