SARIBA and SAPiENT CSI join forces and launch a Joint Venture

Press releas Consulting company Sariba AS teams up with consulting firm SAPiENT CSI to establish a [...]

What characterizes a cost-effective payroll system?

What do you think of when we say a cost-effective pay system? Is it a system with [...]

Welcome Eramet!

It is with great enthusiasm that we can announce that Eramet Norway has chosen Sariba as [...]

Our best career planning tips for your employees

Have you set career planning for your employees in the system? If your answer is yes: great! [...]

Tax exemption for gifts to employees – Cost savings on the employer's National Insurance contributions in Norway

Tax exemption for gifts without special occasion is nothing new, but this year gives two [...]

Do you have control over overtime and additional time in your company?

This is how you get control over overtime and overtime To manually have control over overtime [...]

How to map the need for competence enhancement in your company

What do you put in the word competence enhancement? To answer this, you should first have [...]

Welcome Matiq

We are pleased to welcome Matiq as a support customer in Sariba's customer service department, Customer Excellence. [...]

SAP Partner of the Year – For the second year in a row

We have been elected SAP Partner of the year, Norway! This is the second year [...]