HR in the public sector

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On January 14-16, Sariba participated in the conference HR in the public sector. The conference took place at Scandic Hotel Lillehammer, and is an annual event organized by HR Norway.

The conference, which is a meeting place for HR employees in the public sector, is the Nordic region's largest for HR and management. There were good and relevant lectures, professional topics adapted to the public sector, as well as networking opportunities.

Major changes in the public sector

The public sector is facing major changes and HR plays a key role in supporting organizations in the necessary change processes. Sariba has customers in both the private and public sector, and we therefore have good knowledge of the challenges associated with HR processes in the different sectors.

From Sariba, Erik Hovden and Steinar Sabbasenparticipated. In addition to being present with his own condition, Steinar gave a so-called nano-lecture. A Nano lecture takes place in five minutes, and in these five minutes Steinar presented Sariba's certified package solution, Sariba People Centric. Steinar explained to the attendance participant what Sariba People Centric is, and what gains our package solution can bring to public sector companies.

Sariba's stand reported a lot of pleasant visitors. Many of the visitors participated in our competition. In the competition, participants were asked to share their thoughts on what they think is important for HR in 2020. This was summarized in two words per participant, and these words were included in our word cloud.

Here you can see what participants think is important for HR in 2020:

Word cloud

It turns out that many people focus on the same areas when thinking about what is important for HR in 2020. Digitalization, change and leadership support are words that come up high. The content of the word cloud created the basis for good and constructive conversations, with both new and existing acquaintances.

Among the participants in the competition, there was a winner. This was Liv Ragna Garden from the University of Tromsø. She got a Google Home Smart Speaker.

Winner of competition

We congratulate Liv Ranga on her victory in the competition and thank everyone attendees for their good input in our word cloud.

If you would like to know more about what Sariba can help you with, or about Sariba People Centric, feel free to get in touch.