Motivation and home office

Motivation and home office

Hi, my name is Siri and I work as a consultant in Sariba. The last few months have been anything but normal, and Corona's office has been a little bit of a hassle, I'll honestly admit. When I sit here, alone in my home office, I feel that I have to work a little extra on my motivation, and to make this work, routines are crucial for me.

As a consultant at Sariba, we are fortunately used to working both digitally and in different places throughout the working week. Flexibility is a big plus in this job, but right now there's a little lack of variety, and I miss meeting colleagues and customers.

I usually think it's great to have the opportunity to work from home when needed, but after two months I have to admit that it's getting a bit boring. I miss my lunch breaks, I miss chatting at the coffee machine, I miss meeting customers, colleagues, yes I miss people! I like people and impulses around me the best when we can work together and play each other well. We still do, but in other arenas, so we've gotten raw in Teams meetings!

Flat-packed help

I live in a 65-square-foot apartment with my partner who is laid off from work. That is, he's home. All the time. Luckily, we have a guest room, which has now been converted into a Corona office. The man was sent to IKEA and both traded and screwed office desks. I've had a pretty good time, and I get to work in peace. The fact that I don't have to ask my partner to be quiet eight hours a day so that I can get work is also great, a so-called win-win situation. A smart investment for the relationship (a little tip from me, that is?).

Siri in home office
Coffee and new office desk

Motivation and home office

So, what do I do to keep my focus and concentration up in the Corona office? The answer is routines.

Fortunately, I love and benefit from this, which I have left from my studies. Sariba is my first job after graduation- and I feel fresh in my memory how "home school" could quickly slip into something other than study. To prevent this, there were routines that applied then, and there are routines that apply now.

This is what my Corona everyday life looks like:

1. I get up at about the same time every day (6am) – boiling a cup of coffee – usually I would take this to the bathroom while I sorted myself out. Instead, I have enjoyed my coffee in peace and quiet in front of the mailbox where I structured up the day.
2. The next part of the program is physical activity. For me, activity is important. I have to move in order for me to work as well as possible. I take turns running and walking, every other day. Physical activity, for me, is as necessary as brushing your teeth.
3. Then I have divided my days into small batches. I worked about 45 minute intervals in front of the PC – then I've taken a leg stretch. And cooked me new coffee, in addition, I take the time to eat properly and properly.

The normal in the abnormal

By taking care of my routines, I get some normality up in all the abnormal, and it feels good. Now the offices are opening slowly but surely and I'm excited that we're going back to normal. In the meantime, I keep my routines, with coffee, exercise and 45 minute work intervals.

How are you doing in a home office?

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